Story Song from Tenerife

Posted by on Feb 06 2011 | Audio, Listening, Reviews and Recollections, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous

The audio file below is an excerpt from a much longer (about 30 minutes) piece we created during Session 2 of my year-long improv class using a process Rhiannon calls shape-shifting.

In a shape-shift, the music starts somewhere and is allowed to … yep, you guessed it … shift. Another aspect of the shape-shift format is that often part of the group sings and the other receives the music, usually sitting or lying in the center of the singing circle.

On several occasions during our 10 days at Jardin Mariposa, the owner, Petra, invited friends to meet and sing with us. (That’s how I met Leiko and got to go to the local beach. *smile*) She and 3 or 4 others joined us for this shape-shift, which happened during one of our evening singing sessions. (We typically sang 6 to 8 hours a day. I loved every minute of it. *grin*)

We had been singing for quite some time when I was moved to start speaking. This “story singing” is one of the things I began discovering during my 30-day song-capade and it really solidified during this second session.

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