A Terrific Two

Posted by on Jun 07 2010 | Reviews and Recollections, Songtaneous

So this past Memorial Day weekend, the Songtaneous Blog turned two years old.

Yup. Two years, over 170 posts and nearly 240 comments.

When I started this blog, I thought I’d be giving weekly singing and improv tidbits; you know, the nuts and bolts of helping members of my singing community become better spontaneous singers.

And while I’ve done some of that, over the past two years I’ve learned that many of you are not spontaneous singers (yet! I’m on a mission after all *smile*) and you read and enjoy my blog anyway.

Darren Rowe (of ProBlogger fame) suggests using your blog to solve problems for readers.

Well, if I think about my problems (I figure I should deal with my own before attempting to tackle anyone else’s), many of them don’t often have much to do with vocal improvisation itself.

Yes, of course there are the problems that happen while improvising – what to sing, what to say, when to start, when to stop, fear, etc.

But the focus of this blog has shifted over the past two years.

That’s because (thankfully) I figured out that what I learn from spontaneous singing (and creating and holding a space for spontaneous singing) can be applied to lots of other areas of my life. And even to your lives, too. *smile*

Both spontaneous singing and succeeding in my singing career are about trusting my instincts, speaking up when I have things to add, being brave about starting and graceful about quitting.

And it’s all about being open, creative and willing to connect.

Thanks to all of you have come here to share and connect over the past two years.

Here’s to a tremendous third year.

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