Here’s to Our Health

Posted by on Apr 11 2010 | Singing Lessons, Songtaneous

(As I suspected,) Singing is good for you.

Take these examples:

In a Soul Breathing class I recently attended, the leader Terry told us,

“Breathing removes 70% of the toxins from our bodies. Sweating (and those other two bodily functions) only get rid of 30% of the waste/toxins in our bodies.”

(A lot of breathing happens during singing. *smile*)

Singing also reduces stress and pain. It can help with everything from asthma to Alzheimer’s and snoring to brain to development.

I have a long relationship with the “healing power of singing.”

It started many years ago when I was just child. We lived in the pseudo-country and ran around barefoot for most of the summer. This resulted in splinters from the thistles in the yard. A well-remembered ritual of my childhood is sitting with my foot in my mom’s lap while she dug out the splinters with a freshly cauterized needle and tweezers.

Of course, the part I remember most was the soundtrack.

In order to have a splinter removed in my house, you had to sing “Row Your Boat” at the top of your lungs. I think my mom’s theory was that we couldn’t pay that much attention to what she was doing if we were busy serenading her.

Turns out that “singing also seems to block a lot of the neural pathways that pain travels through.

Gee, Mom, I guess you were onto something.

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One Response to “Here’s to Our Health”

  1. […] on health and singing: “You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the […]

    16 Apr 2010 at 12:20 am

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