My Next Gig

Posted by on Oct 10 2010 | Events, Songtaneous

Poster for Global, Local and Homemade Songs concert, inc. pics of Elise Witt, Sarah M. Greer, Barbara McAfee, Sara Thomsen and Ann Potter

Good news! I have been invited to join a concert being put on by my singer friend Elise Witt in November.

Michiko, me and Elise singing in Hawaii

I met Elise in 2006 at a week-long vocal improv class I took with Rhiannon in Hawaii. (Yep, the same Rhiannon I’ll be traveling to the Canary Islands to study with in December.) Elise lives in Atlanta and does great singing work and singing workshops throughout the area.

Lucky for us, she’s heading north for the winter.

I will be a featured performer, along with three other Minnesotan “divas” — Barbara McAfee, Ann Potter and Sara Thomsen. (Can you really say Minnesotan and diva in the same sentence? *grin*) The five of us connected through our love of singing. Barbara, Sara and I all lead community singing events and Elise, Ann and I have studied vocal improvisation with my mentor Rhiannon.

I am excited to have an opportunity to put into practice some of the things I learned in Italy. Ann and I got together this past weekend to plan and play. We’ll have another play session when Elise arrives in town near the end of the month.

More good news, Elise will present two singing workshops while she’s in Minneapolis.

Saturday, November 6, 12:30 to 4:30pm

Singing For Fun: A Glorious Impromptu Chorus with Elise Witt
sponsored by Echoes of Peace Choir, artistic director Sara Thomsen

The Art Gallery
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
Cost: $60 at the door. $45 when you pre-register by November 1.

To register, send check payable to:
Echoes of Peace Choir
6476 S. Range Line Road
South Range, WI 54874

Registration contact: Sara Thomsen,, 218-269-9557

A community workshop for new and experienced singers – from those who think they can’t carry a tune in a bucket to “singers for fun,” to professional singers.  In short, anyone who wants to experience the joy of singing in community. The focus is on the enjoyment of singing, while also working with the basics of breath, muscle control, tone production, and vocal technique. Repertoire includes rounds and songs from around the world. Even self professed “non-singers” find themselves, in short time, part of a glorious choir. Music reading is not a pre-requisite.

For those of you “up north,” Elise will present the Singing for Fun workshop in Duluth on Saturday, November 13 from 1:00 to 5:30 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth. To register, email Sara Thomsen (or call 218-269-9557).

Sunday, November 7th, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm

World Harmony Singing Workshop with Elise Witt

The Marsh, a Center for Balance and Fitness
15000 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55345-1500

In this workshop, we’ll explore harmonies from many different cultures and traditions – from the familiar triad harmonies of folk, blues, bluegrass, spirituals, country, and gospel music, to vibration unifying chants from Africa, the Middle East and Appalachia.

Beginning with the concept that “there are no wrong notes,” we will experiment with creating different kinds of harmonies to become confident and creative harmony singers. All songs will be taught by ear so reading music is not required. Singers ages 15 and over of all levels and experiences welcome.

Cost: $65 at the door. $50 when you pre-register by November 1st. (Sliding fee for 18-25 yrs. or those in need.)

To register for the World Harmony Singing Workshop, contact Betsy Sansby of the One World Community Choir.

More Bloggity Goodness

1 comment for now

One Response to “My Next Gig”

  1. sg

    Oops – forgot to include the concert event details. (I took them out of the poster b/c they were too small to read, but forgot to share in the post.)

    Here’s the skinny:

    Saturday, November 6
    8:00 pm
    First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis
    900 Mount Curve Ave

    Tickets: $15

    13 Oct 2010 at 10:47 am

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