The Best Medicine

Posted by on Mar 02 2009 | Inspirational, Listening, Songtaneous

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of friends going through lots of stuff right now. Or should I say STUFF?

Financial woes, serious illnesses, the blues, the blahs … not to mention cabin fever. We live in Minnesota** and it just snowed AGAIN! (Although, I guess to be fair, some people are excited about that?) I’ve spent more than a few hours in the past months vegged out in front of the computer instead of working. (Hence last week’s post about discipline (c;)

One of the things I have to remind myself to do when the world starts to seem like it’s out to get me (and everyone I know) is to listen to music. I send music to friends and family going through STUFF. My music, other people’s music — it doesn’t matter – it’s the message, the mood, the meaning that’s important.

Here are some songs that almost always make my playlists. If you’re grappling with STUFF (or just stuff – *smile*), they might be the perfect prescription.

**If you’re in or near the Twin Cities, the next Songtaneous is this Saturday, March 7.  Visit my Events page for more info.

4 comments for now

4 Responses to “The Best Medicine”

  1. bigsis

    Very generous of you…great play list, made me go did out Tracy and Ulali. Even though I’m not going through STUFF right now (just stuff), your counsel holds true.

    03 Mar 2009 at 7:18 am

  2. Anthony Cox

    Well, I like snow but I’ve noticed people are getting sick a lot and this weather does eventually wear you down.

    From living here most of my life I found it good to get into it meaning, taking walks, skiing, snowboarding etc. That probably makes everyone sick and more depressed but it works for me. Plus people call me a “Black Eskimo.”


    03 Mar 2009 at 4:53 pm

  3. […] especially like the tidbit about Louis Armstrong sending music to hospitals. (See? We knew he was […]

    09 Nov 2009 at 12:45 am

  4. […] few years ago, my family went through some STUFF. This stuff meant I was traveling out of state often and sometimes on very short notice. Before […]

    15 Nov 2009 at 11:41 pm

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