Web Wanderings

Posted by on Nov 08 2009 | Games, Exercises & Resources, Songtaneous

Whew! What a fun musical weekend! I had a great time at the AQ (Artists´ Quarter) with Jay Young and friends and a Songtaneous time was had by all Saturday afternoon. It was such a full weekend that I had to take my own advice about rest stops. I’ll be back next Monday with the latest installment in the Passion Pays the Bills series. In the meantime …

A funny thing happens when you write a blog … you spend a lot of time wandering the web. Meandering online helps me come up with ideas for blog posts. Another thing that inspires are the blogs I read.

In the last year, I’ve found a lot of valuable, interesting, funny and just downright bizarre stuff in cyberspace. A lot of it never grows up to be a Songtaneous blog post. This post includes a cornucopia of things I’ve come across during my virtual travels.

Improv makes better communicators

I’m not sure how I found this article about the benefits of improvising for public speaking, but I think everyone should take a year of improv, too. *smile*

Jazz Therapy

I’m a big believer in the restorative powers of music so I was all ears (eyes?) when I stumbled across this article about Jazzheimers – a trio playing jazz to Alzheimer’s patients in San Fransisco facilities.

I especially like the tidbit about Louis Armstrong sending music to hospitals. (See? We knew he was hip.)

Two more sites about the healing properties of sound.

  1. “Sound is one of the quickest, easiest and most effective ways of shifting stuff.” Amen, brother Fabeku, amen.
  2. How singing is helping people with Parkinson’s disease.

I’ve mentioned that I heart the Bepobified Blog, right? (And it’s not only because the calendar keeps me in the loop on all things jazz and cool-iful.)

This article covers all the “crazy things people do with their voices” from breaking glasses to Inuit throat singing. (Better yet, there are videos.)

“Be afraid, be very afraid.” *wink*


This explains some things. *wicked grin*

P.S. I just found out I’ll be facilitating some Songtaneous sessions at the Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference on McNally Smith campus next weekend (November 14 and 15!). Look for more details on the Events page in a couple of days.

1 comment for now

One Response to “Web Wanderings”

  1. Kricket

    The word meanderings seems to be coming up in my life a tad bit lately. This is a poem I found last week on retreat:

    Rivers Hardly Ever
    by James Dillet Freeman

    Rivers hardly ever run in a straight line.
    Rivers are willing to take ten thousand meanders
    and enjoy every one
    and grow from every one–
    when they leave a meander,
    they are always more
    than when they entered it.
    When rivers meet an obstacle,
    they do not try to run over it;
    they merely go around,
    but they always get to the other side.
    Rivers accept things as they are,
    conform to the shape they find the world in–
    yet nothing changes things more than rivers;
    rivers move even mountains into the sea.
    Rivers hardly ever are in a hurry,
    yet is there anything more likely
    to reach the point it sets out for than a river?

    (Not found on a meander around the web…went old school for this one & found it in a book)

    09 Nov 2009 at 10:53 am

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