Archive for November, 2009

Passion Pays The Bills: Asking

Posted by on Nov 15 2009 | Passion Pays the Bills, Songtaneous

Hopefully, if you’ve been talking your talk (and walking your walk! *smile*), you’ve assembled a pool of people. Expert people, fan people and even a few kindred spirits. Now you need to ask them for stuff.

You need your people’s ideas, recommendations, referrals, attendance at your events, support and, yes, their money. (Hey, I called it Passion Pays the Bills not Passion Keeps You Comfortable. *wink*)

Because your passion needs to grow. It needs to move out of the safety of your head and into the world to play with others.

This will take a lot of work and a lot energy and you simply can’t supply all the fuel on your own.

Asking for (or accepting) help is hard. And, like improv, the hard is different for each of us.

Maybe you have trouble admitting you need someone to teach you something (e.g. music theory, car repair, or how to install your new printer). Maybe you can’t let someone buy you dinner when you’re cash poor. Maybe you don’t like asking people to subscribe to your blog, come to your craft show or pledge money to your fund drive. Maybe you can’t ask a friend for a referral or recommendation to someone you know could help you with your passion.

Know that the request that makes you cringe inside (I could NEVER ask for that!) someone else can request without a second thought. Don’t feel bad. You can ask for stuff other people can’t ask for. Each of us has different arena in which asking feels awkward.

Here’s a secret I’ve discovered …

Most of us like to help.

We like answering questions, being a resource, being able to point someone in the “right” (or at least a new) direction. We like the opportunity (excuse) to get in touch with former colleagues or friends with whom we’ve lost touch. We like the opportunity to share what we’ve learned. (It makes us feel smart and useful.) Sometimes we like the mini-vacation helping someone else lets us take from our own pursuits.

A few years ago, my family went through some STUFF. This stuff meant I was traveling out of state often and sometimes on very short notice. Before heading out of town on one particular weekend, I dropped off my laundry at a friend’s house and called upon another friend to buy me groceries for when I returned. Prior to these events, I wouldn’t have even thought about asking for this kind of help. But I realized two things.

First, I needed help. (And if I was going to get it, I had to ask for it.) Second, I would do the same for them. If they asked me for these things, I would say yes (and I’d mean it).

So when you’re getting ready to ask someone for something, think about how you would respond to a similar request, remind yourself that people like to help and then … ask.

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Food for Thought (#28)

Posted by on Nov 12 2009 | Food For Thought, Singing Lessons, Songtaneous

“Does it serve more in this moment to stay steady and support or take responsibility to change everything and move on?”

As I was reviewing notes in preparation for the Songtaneous events I’ll be hosting at the MN OUT! Campus Conference this weekend, I found this quote from the master class I took with Rhiannon in 2006. I was struck (again!) by how often improv lessons turn out to be life lessons.

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Web Wanderings

Posted by on Nov 08 2009 | Games, Exercises & Resources, Songtaneous

Whew! What a fun musical weekend! I had a great time at the AQ (Artists´ Quarter) with Jay Young and friends and a Songtaneous time was had by all Saturday afternoon. It was such a full weekend that I had to take my own advice about rest stops. I’ll be back next Monday with the latest installment in the Passion Pays the Bills series. In the meantime …

A funny thing happens when you write a blog … you spend a lot of time wandering the web. Meandering online helps me come up with ideas for blog posts. Another thing that inspires are the blogs I read.

In the last year, I’ve found a lot of valuable, interesting, funny and just downright bizarre stuff in cyberspace. A lot of it never grows up to be a Songtaneous blog post. This post includes a cornucopia of things I’ve come across during my virtual travels.

Improv makes better communicators

I’m not sure how I found this article about the benefits of improvising for public speaking, but I think everyone should take a year of improv, too. *smile*

Jazz Therapy

I’m a big believer in the restorative powers of music so I was all ears (eyes?) when I stumbled across this article about Jazzheimers – a trio playing jazz to Alzheimer’s patients in San Fransisco facilities.

I especially like the tidbit about Louis Armstrong sending music to hospitals. (See? We knew he was hip.)

Two more sites about the healing properties of sound.

  1. “Sound is one of the quickest, easiest and most effective ways of shifting stuff.” Amen, brother Fabeku, amen.
  2. How singing is helping people with Parkinson’s disease.

I’ve mentioned that I heart the Bepobified Blog, right? (And it’s not only because the calendar keeps me in the loop on all things jazz and cool-iful.)

This article covers all the “crazy things people do with their voices” from breaking glasses to Inuit throat singing. (Better yet, there are videos.)

“Be afraid, be very afraid.” *wink*

This explains some things. *wicked grin*

P.S. I just found out I’ll be facilitating some Songtaneous sessions at the Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference on McNally Smith campus next weekend (November 14 and 15!). Look for more details on the Events page in a couple of days.

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