Sarah (and Friends) by Starlight

Posted by on Oct 04 2010 | Listening, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous

Some of the most fun during my time in Italy was the “musical entertainment” between courses at dinner. Of course, we sang for each other. One night, Henk brought his guitar and we had an actual sing-along, but most nights we just improvised pieces and taught each other songs.

Following is a (very poorly lit) video of an improvised piece near the end of the week. True, you can’t really see us, but you can hear us. *smile*

[flv: 450 337]

By the way, I’m singing with my friends Jurg (to my left), “guest director” Lorenzo, my roommate Sarah (to my right) and Noemi (to Sarah’s right, heard but never seen *smile*).

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