With a Little Help From My Friends

Posted by on Sep 18 2011 | Events, Songtaneous

Give Get Sistet promo postcard featuring photo of the quartet and event details

A couple of months ago, I called up one of the Give Get gals and asked if she would be willing to let me host a concert event in her home. She said yes. (Thanks, V!)

Then I approached the rest of the Sistet about joining me in a spontaneous, a cappella concert. They all said yes. (Thanks, Sistet!)

Finally, my friend Michele Denise Michaels graciously agreed to MC the night. (Thanks, M!)

But, the support didn’t stop there.

As the saying goes,  “It takes a village …” and my “village” has gone above and beyond to help me put together this event.

For weeks, friends and family have been offering help, from setting up to preparing the food to getting donations for the silent auction. (And, they got some great stuff! *grin*) They have also helped locate PAs, tables and chairs, glasses, dishes and to spread the word.

(Equally important, for more than a month my family has let me jabber excitedly about set lists, to-do lists and guest lists for the night. *smile*)

I planned this event because I wanted to create a night of music that would let me reflect upon and share some of what I have studied during the last year. I love spontaneous singing for the opportunities it creates for me to laugh, feel, connect and discover with all of you.

This past year, my singing has blessed me with so many great experiences, superb singers and wonderful connections, but they’ve all been away from home. I am thrilled and grateful for an opportunity to sing spontaneously with and for my own community (even if I had to create the event myself! *smile*).

All that’s missing is you. Get in touch if you are in or near the Twin Cities and would like to attend this Sunday’s concert.


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