Help Peter Pan Fly!

Posted by on Mar 24 2013 | Events, Songtaneous

From our director …

“I’ve wanted to direct Peter Pan at Northeast Middle School for many years. It’s a story that so perfectly and poignantly captures the experience of this age. There is boyish and carefree Peter Pan and his exciting fantasy life in Neverland. And then there is mature, sensible, nurturing Wendy who lives very much in the real world. Just like Peter and Wendy, middle schoolers are making bittersweet choices everyday between the innocence of childhood and the opportunities that come with growing up. While the characters decide they cannot live in each other’s world, I hope that our community is reminded of the joy and magic that can spring from our imagination.”

We are a little under a month out from the show and the question on everybody’s lips has been “Will Peter Fly?”

With your help the answer can be yes.

“Part of the magic of Peter Pan for both the audience and the performers is to make Peter fly. But we need your help. Flying Peter, Wendy and the boys is beyond what we have raised for our program this year. This will cost $6,200 and we are $1500 short of the goal.”

Two ways to help

1) Please consider donating $10 to the Flying Fund. You can use the donate button below to send your donation today. Your donation is tax deductible and any amount will help!

(If you prefer to mail a check, send to: Northeast Middle School PTA, 2955 Hayes St. NE, Mpls MN 55418.)

2) Come see the show! Show dates are Thursday April 18th and April 19th. Both shows are at 7pm. Tickets $8 adults, $5 student.

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