Releasing Overwhelm

Posted by on Mar 23 2015 | Songtaneous

The next several weeks of my life are very full. Having just finished my spring series of workshops (thank you, workshop singers!), I now launch right into the middle school musical, spring semester student performances and numerous performances of my own.

It’s a good full, but it’s a lot.

(And I wonder as I work with my word for the year – release – if I should be taking things off my plate. *smile*)

“Too many choices can overwhelm us and cause us to not choose at all.” – Sheena Iyengar

As I’ve said before, this musician’s life of mine seems to move in waves and cycles, from times when there’s very little going on to times when there are many opportunities and commitments.

So I’ve been making lists and double checking my schedule and trying to work my busy days one day at a time.

And, I am allowing myself to adjust the things I can in my schedule so I can enjoy what I’m doing. (i.e. the next Songtaneous will be in May. *smile*)

In other words, I am releasing the overwhelm. (Or practicing releasing it anyway. *smile*)

I release the idea that the number of items on my schedule determines my mood.

I release doing all the things on my schedule perfectly and will strive to do them well enough.

Like in an improvisation, I release my intention and energy into the world and let them do what they will.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu


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