Archive for the 'Spontaneous Song a Day' Category

Spontaneous Song #17

Posted by on Nov 17 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

I used Scrabble™ tiles to inspire my “language” choices for today’s song.

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Spontaneous Song #16

Posted by on Nov 16 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

This funky little groove popped into my head and I just had to run with it.

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Spontaneous Song #15

Posted by on Nov 15 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

Happy Birthday, Brother N!

Me with my "little" Brother

Me with my “little” brother

Wow. Half-way there. (Or here? *smile*)

Today (on my brother’s b-day), I post song #15. I keep meaning to share what this journey is teaching me, but I’m not sure I’ve figured it all out yet.

(In the interest of doing it anyway,) So far …

  • I have managed to record and post every day, even though I haven’t always been as profound or thorough as my perfectionist self might like. *smile*
  • I have found something to record every day.
  • I have been able to really separate singing the songs from critiquing the songs (which is good or I might not have posted anything!)
  • Only a couple of people have unsubscribed (and they did so lovingly)

Getting started

I  tried to use this project as a way to practice starting in a deliberate way, letting go of perfectionism so I didn’t procrastinate. In my mind, I had many legitimate (?) obstacles to getting this “song-capade” up and running.

I wanted to create a new “look” for the song a day emails. I wanted to prepare all of you for the “big change” to my blog. I wanted to make the announcement before uploading any audio. (I wanted to be surer that it was a good idea, *smile*) but, in the end, I just had to press record.

What I’ve Learned

  • 3 minutes is shorter and longer than I thought. *smile*
  • It takes about an hour each day to record and post.
  • Sometimes working from an assignment (try something in odd meter) has helped.
  • Most days, I haven’t needed an assignment. (Other than to record a 3-minute solo, that is!)
  • Most of the recordings I’ve posted have been the first “take.”

What you’ve said

“Congrats on doing the song a day — that’s really cool.”

“I think I finally understand what you do.”

“Very brave of you to do this! I’m glad you are doing it. I’m sure it’s good idea — to put yourself out there, to make and keep this commitment, to be an example/model. It’s all good!”

“The problem with these songs is that I can’t get them out of my head.”

“I like #8.”

“I’ve been listening. Very interesting, particularly the song you did in front of the mirror.”

“Wow. I listened to a few of “your days,” including the latest and the one with the woman coming toward you across the ocean. Thank you so much for your music. The world has just become a bit more whole again.”

“Wow” is right. Thanks for all the support so far!

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