Falling In Love … Again

Posted by on Jul 27 2009 | Singing Lessons, Songtaneous

“I’ve had to fall in love with playing music every day.” — Irvin Mayfield

Spending the last two months temping really made me miss singing. While I enjoyed the new environment, my coworkers (everyone was SO nice!) and the regular paychecks *wink*, I didn’t have much time for “my music.” As you know, I blogged and hosted Songtaneous sessions, but my practice regimen became a little … er … nonexistent sporadic.

So this month, my singing and I are getting reacquainted. For our first date, we reinstated a practice schedule. We were a little awkward with each other at first, but quickly regained our comfort and familiarity with each other. (I really like singing!)

Next, we spent time with mentors Anthony Cox and Janis Weller. We talked next steps, grant proposals, international travel and improv projects. In other words, big, hairy, (and a little scary) goal setting.

Finally, I took my singing out to hear some music — Debbie Duncan at the AQ, Judi Donaghy and The Wolverines Jazz Trio at Hell’s Kitchen and, this weekend, we heard The Girls in concert at Minnehaha UCC. Singers and singing to admire and inspire. (Remember listening is an important part of singing.)

Now, we’re working on some lesson and class ideas and setting up some fall Songtaneous presentations (more to come about these) before heading into the studio this week to record some tunes with Lori Dokken and (then) Judi.

Falling in love again.

I can’t help it.

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