Food for Thought #34

Posted by on Jan 15 2010 | Food For Thought, Songtaneous

“[Y]ou are the conduit, not the Source. This means that when facing needy people, you don’t have to fill them up. However, you have an opportunity to be the bucket at the well …”
Mark Silver

This quote comes from a very cool post about a very cool exercise Silver used to use when teaching interns. As part of the program, students had to stand up and give a spontaneous healing talk.

“Quite often the results were astounding. What would come forth from speakers would sometimes just send my heart flying, whoosh!””

No surprise that what resonated for me was that the speeches were spontaneous. It also gives me permission to stop trying to be brilliant and profound.  (That stuff happens when you’re not trying … and very rarely when you are! *wink*)

The power of improv. It’s everywhere.

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