The “B” Word

Posted by on Apr 25 2010 | Singing Lessons, Songtaneous

Ok, so I might be just the smallest, teensy-weensy, tiniest bit burned out.

But … I’ve been reluctant to admit it to myself (and to all of you.)

I mean …

For one thing, I still have a lot of …er … stuff to do whether I’m burned out or not.

How is whining about it going to help?

Stiff upper lip, nose-to-the-grindstone, no pain, no gain, you got to pay your dues and all that.

Second, isn’t my life as a musician supposed to be all milk and honey?

Should I really be complaining that I currently have enough work, exciting music projects and money?

What if I jinx it?

(What if one of my many “bosses” reads this?)

What if I’m actually really, really lazy and will never get back to work if I take a break?

What if I say no to something and miss the “opportunity of a lifetime?”

(What if I am whining? *grimace*)


What finally got me to fess up (aside from the observations of my friends and family) was recalling my keyword for 2010 — nourish.

Overachiever that I am, I’ve done well in nourishing my performance opportunities, contract work options and my bank account.

I haven’t done as well at nourishing some of the other parts of my life.

You know, the sleep-in, exercise, eat healthy, spend time on my art, read-a-good-book, spend-time-with-friends-and-family parts.

We have a saying in my family — “more credit.” It’s how we remind each other to acknowledge the hard work, hard thing, amazing accomplishment, death-defying feat or tiny step one of us just finished.

Not to minimize or sweep under the rug. Or ignore.

(Like me, with my burnout.)

The truth is that I’ve done a ton of work since I graduated. Musicals, gigs and concerts. Coaching, directing and temp jobs. Blogs, grant applications and web work.

And right now I’m tired.

Now that I have admitted I’m burned out, I can do something about it.

In fact, I’ve scheduled a vacation to rest, recharge and rejuvenate.

Note: That means blog vacation, too, so I won’t be posting on Friday or Monday. *smile*

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