You Say It’s Your Birthday?

Posted by on Apr 18 2010 | Songtaneous

The Birthday Girls

My twin sis and I will be a year older by the time you read this post. (Ok, not a whole year older, but you get my point.)

For our 30th birthday, my sister gave me a framed list of 30 things she loved about me.

It was — and continues to be! — one of the best presents I’ve ever received. It is amazingly powerful to see yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you “warts and all.”

I highly suggest you find a way to get someone to write you such a list. *wink*

(Or write yourself a list. Better yet, write someone YOU love a list.)

While only minutes older, my sister has always taken her role as “big sister” seriously and led by example.

A prime example is that she quit her job years before I did to go back to grad school.

She said she wanted to do something she wanted to do.

And she thought she could. (Turns out, she was right. *smile*)

Thanks for leading the way, big sis!

2 comments for now

2 Responses to “You Say It’s Your Birthday?”

  1. bigsis

    Oh no, little one, you’ve always been as much my example to follow as I might be yours (probably more). A list of thirty for you…quite easy.

    (What’s with the black socks? Boy, I bet I could really whistle back then!)

    19 Apr 2010 at 6:45 am

  2. I believe those socks are navy (and therefore match my outfit) ;-b

    Hope you had a great day


    19 Apr 2010 at 12:45 pm

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