Food for Thought (#56)

Posted by on Jul 23 2010 | Food For Thought, Songtaneous

I had a lovely dinner and conversation with my friend A last night. She had been in Hawaii with Rhiannon two weeks before I went to Italy for the first week of All the Way In (the year-long vocal improv study course I’m taking).

What fun we had! We laughed with each other about how difficult it can be to integrate the experiences the weeks with Rhiannon can bring and how challenging it can be to effectively share what (exactly) happened. A said to me when someone asks her “How was Hawaii?,” she thinks to herself, Do you got an hour? Our “dinner” lasted three hours and we talked the entire time.

We shared some of the insights we had about ourselves and our groups, traded stories and names of singers (Oh yes! I know her!) and marveled at the power of the community Rhiannon is creating. How, we the singers who have studied with her, feel connected, not only to her, but to each other.

Speaking of connections …

My new young singer friend Noemi (from Switzerland) sent this to the All the Way In singers this week. It sums up a lot of how the week in Italy felt.

In a Deep Connectedness:

“You see the smile

you feel the warmth

you sense the smell

and below, deep down

where empathy finds its roots

and the wave gets one

and source meets source

in that deep flow

we are connected

sometimes we see the light.”

– by Johannes Erhardt

More Bloggity Goodness

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