Spontaneous Song #13

Posted by on Nov 12 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

I was trying to sing my song today in 7/8. And, while some of it’s in 7, I wandered into the lands of 6 and 8 more than once. *smile*

I also found I couldn’t really concentrate on melody making because I was too busy counting! Listening back, the song could use more space — it sounds like I was counting madly (which I was *smile*) or trying to sing on every beat so I wouldn’t have to count any rests.

With practice, I hope to move from counting 7 to “feeling 7.” I can hear it in the music I make when I’m counting. The music is stiff and kind of heavy (or frantic); it lacks space and breath.

When I feel a count (3, 4 or 6), I can sit back, relax and ride the surface, diving deeper when I choose.

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