Spontaneous Song #26

Posted by on Nov 25 2010 | Audio, Songtaneous

“I don’t care much about music. What I like is sounds.”
– Dizzy Gillespie

When I was in Italy this past summer, one of the elements Rhiannon emphasized in our daily sessions was rhythm: syncopation, odd meter, groove, percussive sounds, etc. — basically being able to take on the function of a member of a rhythm section as a singer.

Now, I feel like my sense of rhythm and groove is pretty good (at least in even meters *smile*), but I have definitely been … er, shall we say … apprehensive about vocal percussion. Since the summer, I’ve been messing around with percussion sounds and trying to find techniques that work for me.

It’s been slow going. *smile*

Producing percussion sounds is a lot (I mean, a LOT) more tiring vocally and requires way more breath/sound coordination than singing for me. I also haven’t found a way to produce the kind of volume I’d like.


I didn’t feel like my song-capade would be complete if I left out a sample of my progress with vocal percussion.

(So without further ado … )

More Bloggity Goodness

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