Spontaneous Song #6

Posted by on Nov 05 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

I sang this song as I awoke this morning.

I had been dreaming about my European classmates. As is often true in dreams, they were them and not them.  Two women from Japan had joined my dream group (memories of Michiko in Hawaii four years ago?) and sang and spoke together excitedly. Two Swiss women sang together in Swiss, which in my dream I could understand (Swenglish?). My instructor Rhiannon turned into my friend M who passed away two Mays ago.

Rhiannon (as M) told us that it was okay to use an idea again. That an idea was like the crust – as long as you let the music live, you could make a new loaf every time.

Then she turned to me and asked me to solo …

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