A Worldly Sing-along

Posted by on Dec 18 2012 | Events, Songtaneous

I have heard about this singing event from a number of singer friends and wanted to share it with you.

At 4:00 pm CST this Friday (12/21/12), you can join the world in singing a song … well … for the world. *smile*

As it says on their web site:

“One Earth. One Voice. is a global campaign mobilizing 15 million people to sing in synchrony on December 21, 2012. Calling world leaders to end the violence against the earth, the One Earth. One Voice, campaign is harnessing the unifying power of song as a response to our planetary crisis.”

Being a community singer, I love the idea of people singing around the globe. (And I’ll certainly be thinking of my European singing family of singers Friday).

And if you can’t sing the song at the exact time on Friday?

Well, I know it is likely that I will be in rehearsal for the Winter Solstice: Night Vision Service on Friday afternoon, but I feel confident that we’ll sneak in some time to join world in singing. (Ooh, what a nice idea — that the earth herself might sing, too! *smile*) Of course, we might not get to sing during the designated time, but I think that’s okay.

I have a friend who told me that prayer is out of time; I believe that songs (which to some of us are prayers) can be, too. So sing the song when you can — today, tomorrow, a year from now — and it will still add to the global choir.

Visit the One Voice. One Earth. website to find out more and learn the song.

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