Improvising in Performance

Posted by on May 13 2013 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous

I didn’t perform much this spring so I was pleased to have the chance to flex my singing muscles a bit at our annual faculty recital.

In part, because my spring was very full and in part to push myself to keep practicing improvising in performance, I made the choice to sing by myself in the recital. I am glad I did. The Whitney Theater has a lovely sound system and I sank effortlessly into the sensation of being wrapped in the sound of my own voice.

When I teach improvising, I often talk about solving the problem or creating a problem to solve. At the start of this piece, you can hear me set myself the challenge of singing a well-known tune over an unknown (even to me) pattern. I even took a brief detour for a short story.
All in all, time well sung. *smile*

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