Trying Times

Posted by on Mar 30 2020 | Audio, Listening, Singing Lessons, Songtaneous

I hope you are staying well and finding calm during this tumultuous time. A singer friend of mine asked me if I was blogging right now.

To be honest? Nope, not for a while.

And I’ve been should-ing on myself about it (and many other things).

Then I realized that this cycle of struggling to start, experiencing large shifts in my energy and ability to focus, and holding a vague sense of guilt about it all was/is familiar. I’ve experienced all of these feelings before in my life as a self-employed vocal musician.

Luckily(?), I have over a decade of practice being self-supervised* as my sister calls it. I’ve had to create schedule and structure to my work life before, I’ve worried about having too little work before, and I’ve wondered how I will pay my bills before. And I have built schedule, found (or created) work and paid my bills before. So while the consequences of this pandemic sometimes take those worries to a new level, they are at least (in some ways) familiar.

In fact, I have already written about a lot of those feelings here.

So, in lieu of finding the energy, focus and head space to write thoughtful, introspective new posts, I am going to point you to some posts of the past. I hope something here is useful, inspiring (or at least entertaining or distracting *smile*) for you.

Be well and keep singing.

P.S. *My sister coined the phrase self-supervised in the early years of her doctoral work.

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