Archive for the 'Sarah Sings' Category

Spontaneous Song #14

Posted by on Nov 14 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

Usually, I put my cat in another room (or lock myself in the bathroom *smile*) so I can record the day’s spontaneous song without any “extra help.”

But since creating spontaneous music is really about being present and using the music already in the air, I figured at some point I should try including my cat in one of these spontaneous songs.

So today, Ms. Z is prominently featured in the opening. The “purr-cussion” later in the piece is the sound of a happy kitty. (The louder accompaniment is the sound of an overzealous kitty checking out my recorder! *smile*)

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Spontaneous Song #13

Posted by on Nov 12 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

I was trying to sing my song today in 7/8. And, while some of it’s in 7, I wandered into the lands of 6 and 8 more than once. *smile*

I also found I couldn’t really concentrate on melody making because I was too busy counting! Listening back, the song could use more space — it sounds like I was counting madly (which I was *smile*) or trying to sing on every beat so I wouldn’t have to count any rests.

With practice, I hope to move from counting 7 to “feeling 7.” I can hear it in the music I make when I’m counting. The music is stiff and kind of heavy (or frantic); it lacks space and breath.

When I feel a count (3, 4 or 6), I can sit back, relax and ride the surface, diving deeper when I choose.

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Songtaneous Song #12

Posted by on Nov 12 2010 | Audio, Sarah Sings, Songtaneous, Spontaneous Song a Day

Whew, I struggled with today’s song.

For the first time since I began this song-capade, I was mildly dreading pulling out my recorder and trying to come up with something to sing.

Part of me knows I’m still “cooling down” from the concert (and the workshops and my call with my classmates) last weekend. And that this week was full of a lot of extra stuff — temping, singing with the MCTC choir, etc. But still …

What if I couldn’t find something to sing? What if I opened my mouth and nothing came out?

(What if nothing was there?)

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