My Keyword for 2019

Posted by on Jan 31 2019 | Songtaneous

If you’ve spent time here then you know that I pick what I call a “keyword” at the start of the year.

Keywords connect to other words and ideas and they bring a variety of results.

I usually start thinking about my word in December (but only sporadically given that it’s such a busy time *smile*). In January, I focus on finding a word and usually announce it in the 2nd or 3rd week of the new year. Not so, this year.

This year’s word was slooooooow to arrive.

As always, certain shiny words caught my attention in the moment (the word “root” came to me quite strongly at a musical event I attended) but upon further reflection they all seemed … wrong.

My word for last year was replenish. After a big year of composing and recording in 2017, I imagined I would spend 2018 relaxing and regrouping. Except … that’s not really what happened.

As you may recall, mixing and releasing the album took a lot longer than I had planned (but I learned a TON!) and that meant we released What the Music Says Do in August (not June as I originally had planned).

I even thought about choosing replenish again, but that felt like cheating. (Did I mention I make up rules for myself?)

The days of January continued to pass by and I tried on other words. Nothing felt quite right. I couldn’t do an ambitious word. This wasn’t a year to stretch or grow. I’m still kind of tired from the last two years of stretching and growing *rueful smile*. And I’ve still a got a lot to do to promote my “new” album. And I’ve got a February full of performing. I am not complaining, but things feel … full.

So I wanted/needed a word that would let me rest when I needed, but that could also push me to move forward on the things that (I think) have to happen.

To that end, I chose ENOUGH.

As in …

I am doing ENOUGH. What I have done and will do are ENOUGH. There will be ENOUGH (time, money, rest, gigs, students, etc.)

How about you? Do you have word, goal, resolution or North Star for 2019?

Here are some ideas:

share, focus, replenish, trust, explore, allow, release, start, finish, relax, birth, flourish, savor, simplify, balance, create, dare, prosperity, plant, discover, nurture, wellness, nourish, creativity, discipline, perform, shimmer, power, present, authenticity, beam, be, embody, imperfect, willing, rejuvenate, unpack, …

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